Are you ready to break down the blocks stopping you from living your life to the fullest?

Whether you’re feeling stuck when it comes to your health, career, relationships, parenting, financial status, or your general well-being, the blocks you’re experiencing on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level are keeping you from connecting to - and living out - your purpose in life. 

Let’s work together to release them and move toward what you desire...

At some point in all of our journeys through life, we experience points of disempowerment and sometimes deep trauma. 

Of questioning whether we’re enough.

Of wondering if we’re truly capable of our potential.

Of lacking confidence despite outward signs of success. 

You are not alone in this. But in order to overcome your own deep-rooted blocks, you have to open your mind to the possibilities and be willing to do the work. 

The good news? You don’t have to do it alone.

You, fellow fierce human, are not your limiting beliefs!

You are not your past! 

Let’s clear those beliefs and past stressful events and replace them with positive thoughts that will transform your mindset, lifestyle, and overall well-being. 

How? Through Healing


is a practical, meditative energy healing technique that allows access to the profound subconscious beliefs and blocks impacting your life, giving us the ability to release even those that are deeply rooted.  Working from a cellular level and employing the use of Theta brain waves to access the universal energy of the Creative Source, ThetaHealing® creates an immediate and permanent shift in our bodies and the patterns that once kept us stuck. What do we replace those limiting beliefs and patterns with? Positive thoughts, trusted intuition, and reliable virtues.

Havening Techniques® (“HT”)

is an innovative healing approach developed and created by Ronald Ruden, MD, PhD and his brother Steven Ruden, DDS. It is a psychosensory therapy based on the fields of neuroscience and neurobiology which uses sensory input in order to alter thought, mood, and behavior. It is believed that when an event or experience is perceived as traumatic or stressful it becomes immutably encoded in the psyche and the body, often with life altering consequences. HT is designed to make changes in the brain in order to de-traumatize and remove from both the psyche and the body the emotional memory of a traumatic or stressful life event and its negative effects. Therefore, HT is a healing modality that is designed to help individuals overcome problems that are the consequence of traumatic or stressful encoding.

Through ThetaHealing® and Havening Techniques® and their respective impact on our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, there is nothing that is impossible.

Here are just a few of the results I’ve seen from the clients I’ve practiced with: 

  • Improved health and well-being
  • Physical healing of various conditions, imbalances or dis-ease
  • Released emotional blocks, fears, and phobias
  • Fulfilling and harmonious relationships
  • Discovery of their life’s purpose
  • Financial freedom and resolution
  • Resolved anxiety, anger, and resentment
  • The ability to fully forgive
  • Freedom from habits and addictions that do not serve them
  • Unlocked creativity
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem
  • Manifestation and fulfillment of dreams
  • Resolution of deep-rooted, past trauma
  • Personal freedom

 ...and a newfound abundance mindset leading to a fuller, happier life.

Tap into the mind-body-universe connection that hundreds of my clients have used to heal, reset, and transform 

We’re conditioned to think that healing takes a prolonged amount of time, but with the power of ThetaHealing® and Havening Techniques®, you’ll see near-immediate, perpetual change from the minute you open your mind, body, and spirit to the potential.

Let’s embark upon this journey together today:

Single Healing session

Come as you are and bring what you have. You don’t have to know exactly what blocks to work through - that’s what I’m here for. From what you share, I’ll pull them down and dive right in. 

After just one session, you may feel lighter and more joyous - and you may just notice big shifts you never would’ve thought possible. 

Perfect for: Dipping your toes into the practice 

How it works: Virtual session via Zoom.

Length: 75-90 minutes 

Your investment: $250 per session

Transformational Coaching Package

We’ll start with dropping into a deep Delta brain wave that opens up the arena of change. We will use our discoveries to combine a variety of healing modalities (Past life regression, ThetaHealing®, Havening Techniques®, yoga, meditation and more) to continue your holistic transformation to a more

positive life of well-being. 

Perfect for: Massive transformations targeted at different areas of your life 

How it works: Virtual sessions via Zoom. Phone/Email support in between sessions. Assignments for personal work and growth. Accountability.

Length: Custom (typically 2 to 6 months packages) 

Your investment: Dependent upon package

Own your power and move toward your dreams 

We’ll fill the void left from your limiting beliefs and patterns

with the most optimal and supportive statements to help you do just that.

Your transformation is right here...


"Kasia is a healer in every sense of the word. Her presence, her touch, her words. Sitting in the healing space with her has been a deep and lasting transformative experience for me. Connecting with the higher realms within, she is a divine guide to bring one closer to the Truth."


Founder of Shakti School & Musician at Aykanna


"Working with Kasia is like finding within oneself that missing piece of the puzzle. The one that helps you to move forward with much more ease. One of Kasia’s secret powers is her voice - smooth enough to face deep wounds without pain."


Coach at La Belle Inconnue

Hi, I'm Kasia.


I discovered ThetaHealing® and Havening Techniques® at a critical time in my life. 

Discovering, learning, and then practicing those modalities liberated me, freeing me from old beliefs that were holding me back and keeping me from stepping into my highest potential. 

I truly stepped into the role of Healer after having experienced transformational shifts from the practice myself. 

I experienced a problematic relationship shift to a joyful and harmonious bond. I found forgiveness after years of resentment. I’ve released guilt over past decisions and actions. I went from being stuck in my business and vision to feeling freed, inspired, and motivated to create something more. 

In short: I’ve transformed my own life in the areas of health, well-being, career, finding my life purpose and experiencing true happiness. 

Now, it’s my mission to help you experience the same transformations; to let go of what’s holding you back and unlock what you’re truly capable of. 

Come as you are. Bring your truth; your openness; your desire for change. I promise to show up with my own vibration; my calming presence; and soothing energy. 

Together, we will move mountains in your life.

Free. Lighter. Happier.

A more positive outlook on life - and the things it will unlock for you - is within your reach.